Well - what about me ...?
Personally, I am a mother of three little ones two darling girls and sweet little boy! I am married to my best friend, a wonderful man who has encouraged me to chase my dreams of being a photographer.
Professionally, I came in to the world of photography as some what of a late bloomer. Although photography has always been a passion I spent the last few years of my life as a middle school teacher. A profession I loved but one that was not conducive to having three young children and a husband who travels frequently. It was not until our son was born that I finally stopped procrastinating and followed my dream. Few things give me greater pleasure than creating beautiful evoking images.
My style is classic, simple and fun. I pride myself in creating a relaxed and comfortable session. I specialize in capturing that secret smile, that quick glance… the essence of you - I hope you enjoy your time with me!
A few facts about me....
I love all things beach, especially my beach photo sessions!
When offered Sushi, Chocolate or Margaritas I can not say no!
I love sitting in front of a good fire with friends .
I love to travel.... Scotland Is my favorite destination so far, but I also love
Spain, Africa and New Orleans
I have only ever lived in Maryland , but have traveled all over the world
Morning snuggles with my little ones bring me pure joy.